Thursday, June 15, 2006


The fall out of some major corporations like WorldCom, accounting frauds and governance failures in US and Europe ignited the debate on how to govern public listed companies, and encouraged the introduction of the most fashionable term used by regulators, namely, corporate governance. Corporate governance is basically the adoption of best possible management practices; as enumerated by acts like the SOX in US, and the Kumaramangalam Birla Committee closer home in India. Th ough SEBI’s dictats have been regular, many companies still fail to follow governance norms judiciously.

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Source :- IIPM Editorial, 2006, Editor - Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri

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Friday, June 09, 2006


Twenty five years ago, they looked like a spent force that emerged in West Bengal and died there. Twenty five years down the road, the Naxalites have emerged as the most powerful and menacing threat to the Indian State – far more dangerous than the insurgencies in Kashmir and the North East. In vast swathes of nine states of India, even policemen are scared to go out in group patrols because they could be ambushed and butchered by the Naxalites.

No doubt, the tribals of India need justice. But policy makers must understand that power won through the barrel of a gun can be disastrous.

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Source :- IIPM Editorial, 2006

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